Definition Of Youth Offender
Young offenders, according to The Youth Criminal Justice Act, are individuals under 18 facing criminal charges. In Canada, individuals under the age of 12 cannot be convicted of a criminal offense.

We have over many years of experience defending youth facing criminal offense charges. We have a great record of success dealing with criminal allegations against young offenders.
The attorneys at Burlington Defence Lawyers have represented youth charged with a wide array of criminal offenses, including:
- Robbery
- Assault
- Sexual assault
- Assault with a weapon
- Break and enter
- Trafficking and possession of narcotics
- Dangerous driving
- Theft
- Fraud
- Failure to comply with a recognizance or probation order
Our goal is the successful resolution of our clients’ cases without a conviction. We apply our uncompromising defence strategies and extensive experience to ensure that our young clients avoid a criminal record.
We understand the obstacles that young people facing criminal allegations face, and the way that a criminal record may hurt their future.
We use our network in Ontario to ensure that individuals facing criminal allegations have all of the support services they require should they face trial.
How to Avoid a Criminal Record as a Young Offender?
A criminal defense lawyer experienced in defending young offenders can help you or your family member avoid a youth criminal record.
The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) sets out how youth ought to be treated and recognizes a number of principles that distinguishes them from the prosecution of adult offenders.
Our Criminal Lawyers, Barrister we understand that in recognition of young offenders psychological vulnerability, criminal trials involving youth are expected to be resolved as swiftly, without incurring a significant delay.

The YJCA also acknowledges that youth are not to be treated as morally responsible as adults, and thus is more focused on rehabilitation than punishment.
For this reason, it enlists community organizations, parents and guardians to help young offenders get back on track.
These principles are also reflected in the sentencing of young offenders. In most cases, the YCJA encourages the informal resolution of cases unless a serious crime has been committed.
Bail For Young Offenders In Toronto
Young offenders are presumed to be eligible for bail in all but a few exceptional cases. In more serious cases, after being arrested of a criminal offense and arrested by the police, the youth accused may be held for a bail hearing.

Burlington Criminal Lawyers we can best ensure that the youth accused is released from custody at their bail hearing and on the least restrictive terms possible.
Sentencing For Young Offenders In Toronto and Greater Ontario
According to The Youth Criminal Justice Act, jail time should be a matter of last resort and is only appropriate in the most serious criminal cases.
The preamble of the Act recognizes this when it acknowledges “the over-reliance on incarceration for non-violent young persons.” Young offenders should only serve jail time if their charges are of extreme and/or involve violence.
In Youth Court, a judge has a wide variety of tools at their disposal. They may issue a simple reprimand or warning, and in more serious cases, recommend custody or a jail sentence.
Many cases are resolved by diversion, recommending counseling or community service.
For example, a young client may be forced to change schools and deal with other peer-related dynamics, placing them under considerable stress.
There is also the burden of the criminal allegation itself, which involves court appearances, bail restrictions, and wait-times, all of which can increase the level of uncertainty in a clients’ life.

Toronto’s Most Experienced Young Offender Lawyers
One of our experienced young offender criminal defense lawyers can significantly improve the chances of having the charges against the young accused withdrawn or acquitted.
With our Criminal Lawyers you will be represented by a skilled practitioner with significant experience defending young offender allegations.
Our Criminal Lawyers, we are experienced and skilled criminal lawyers practicing criminal law in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area.
Making a full answer and defense to your or your families criminal charges is our highest priority.
The youth criminal justice system can be a confusing and scary place for young people facing criminal charges and their families. Let us guide you through the process.