Theft, in law, a general term covering a variety of specific types of stealing, including the crimes of larceny, robbery, and burglary.

Theft is defined as the physical removal of an object that is capable of being stolen without the consent of the owner and with the intention of depriving the owner of it permanently. The thief need not intend to keep the property himself; an intention to destroy it, sell it, or abandon it in circumstances where it will not be found is sufficient. Automobile theft, for example, frequently involves selling the stolen car or its parts. In some instances an intention to deprive the owner of the property temporarily also is sufficient, as in the case of stealing a car for a “joyride” and then abandoning it in such a way that the owner is able to reclaim it.
Larceny is the trespassory taking and carrying away of personal goods from the possession of another with the intention to steal. For larceny to occur, three conditions must be met: (1) the goods must be removed from the possession of another without the owner’s consent; (2) the goods must not only be taken but also “carried away,” a requirement that is highly formalistic and is satisfied by any movement of the entire object, however slight; and (3) there must be an intention to steal, which is ordinarily defined as an intention to deprive the owner permanently of his property. The unauthorized borrowing of another’s property is not larceny if there is an intent to return the property, nor is larceny committed by someone who takes goods in the mistaken belief that they are his own property.
Robbery is the commission of theft in circumstances of violence and involves the application or the threat of force in order to commit the theft or to secure escape. Robbery takes many forms, from muggings to bank robberies. The penalty for robbery is usually more severe than that for larceny. Many criminologists consider statistics on robbery to be among the better indicators of the overall crime rate because, in comparison to larceny or burglary, victims are more likely to report it to the police and the police are more likely to record it in their official statistics.Get unlimited access to all of Britannica’s trusted content.Start Your Free Trial Today
Burglary is defined as the breaking and entering of the premises of another with an intent to commit a felony within. In English common law, burglary consisted of breaking into a dwelling at night to commit a felony, and a separate offense of housebreaking covered daytime entries. In the 20th century, however, the term burglary generally became applied to break-ins committed at any hour of the day and at any fixed structure, vehicle, or vessel. Although the motivation of most burglars is theft, the intention to commit various other offenses converts a trespass into a burglary. For example, it is possible to commit burglary with the intention to rape.
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Armed with a brilliant strategy, confidence and passion, your Theft Lawyer Mississauga will do everything necessary to achieve the initially set goal. We are always focused on delivering the best end result for our client given the circumstances. Everyone on our team is prepared for relentless fighting.
Reach us now to use our legal services designed for people facing theft charges.